Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

The Walls They Are A-Changin’

The Walls They Are A-Changin’

It seems to me that what I’m looking for in kids’ room decor has transitioned almost as fast as my son has moved from the infant to the toddler to the kid section. Change is happening and it’s taking my soft, cuddly nursery fabric with it.

Pulchritudinous, Recondite Garments for Erudite Gamins

Pulchritudinous, Recondite Garments for Erudite Gamins

It’s never too early to start tossing those fifty-cent words around the kids–you might be surprised at how quickly they stick. Now admittedly I say this as a mother whose young daughter insists upon having her way by informing me that "it’s a moral imperative."

Well Isn’t That Spatial

Well Isn’t That Spatial

Throughout my life, I’ve always leaned on the excuse that I just wasn’t blessed with the spatial-relations gene, never realizing that this is actually a learned skill. Obviously as a kid I wasn’t playing with the nifty Dado Cubes from modern kids emporium Mason & Matisse.

A Pregnancy Book, Hold the Scary Stuff

A Pregnancy Book, Hold the Scary Stuff

After I peed on the stick and saw those two pink lines, I did what a lot of newly-pregnant women do: I took 157 books off the bookstore shelves, sat myself down and tried to find just one one that echoed my feelings and thoughts about pregnancy. But most just made me want to run screaming–right to the café, to eat my weight in chocolate.

Retiring the Ponytail

Retiring the Ponytail

I have to laugh when I hit my local mom group and almost every one is sporting some form ofa ponytail. Let’s face it, chasing around kids forces most of us to saveactual hair styling forextra special occasions.

Baby Gifts of a Different Stripe

Baby Gifts of a Different Stripe

I’m always stuck on what to get the newborn who has everything; particularly when that newborn isn’t the first to hit the household. All I know is, another package of onesies or flannel receiving blankets do not top my list.

Showing Off the Kiddos, Old School

Showing Off the Kiddos, Old School

With the digital age upon us, there’s no shortage of pictures of my kids.But unlessI want to myfriends huddling aroundmy laptop,there’s no actual enjoyment of my handiwork (the kids and the photos) to be had. I think it’s high time I develop a few of the photos and get an album that’s just as beautiful as the kids inside.

The Mercedes of Child Carriers

The Mercedes of Child Carriers

Sometimes when we hear about a latest/greatest/hottest new kids product we try it out and it really isn’t all that. (Snap, snap.) I know this is hard to believe–brace yourselves–but just because Courtney Cox-Arquette was given something for free doesn’t necessarily make it awesome.

Oh, Bull

Oh, Bull

There’s something about kids tee designers and bad puns that seem to go hand in hand. Not sure what it is, but we’ve come across enough "chick magnet" tees featuring little baby chickens (Get it? Get it?) to lasts a lifetime.

God Save the Mommy

God Save the Mommy

While Mother’s Day is a great opportunity to demand plenty of respect, adulation and pampering from the family, you shouldn’t be averse to being treated like royalty the other 364 days of the year.

Bonnets, Brooklyn Style

Bonnets, Brooklyn Style

I may gravitate to the classic and the traditional, but I don’t dress my girls like we live on a little house on the prairie. Thoughts of calico dresses and frilly bonnets give me Nellie Olsen flashbacks. No thank you.

Crib Sheets Made for Sleeping

Crib Sheets Made for Sleeping

As adorable as they generally are, kids can be an assault on the senses. Their rooms are littered with plastic toys, most of which emit ear-splitting sounds and require daily battery changes, and their walls are painted with rainbows and clowns and construction equipment. Is it any wonder that the darlings have trouble falling asleep in there?

The Writing on the Wall

The Writing on the Wall

As far as I’m concerned, one of the best parts about being the grown up in the house involves the simple fact that I can write whatever I’d like on the walls if I so choose.

Making Grandma’s (Mothers’) Day

Making Grandma’s (Mothers’) Day

I am not a diy-er, crafter, Martha-in-training, or whatever you want to call people who have the genius ability to make things that don’t look, well, like they made them. This is not a big deal until my own mother gets on the phone and tells me to "make her something" for Mother’s Day. And I don’t think she’s referring to the new grandbaby on the way.

How Do You Say “Awesome” in Italian?

How Do You Say “Awesome” in Italian?

As a lover of all things multi-cultural, I am on the hunt for quality baby gear that is both inclusive and multilingual. I mean, I get the charm of diapers embroidered with ‘Oui Oui!’ but I’ve been looking for something a little more…classic.

Jackson Pollock for Your Ears

Jackson Pollock for Your Ears

Whenever I hear about a new "alternative" kids album, I grab it off the shelf, listen hopefully to the acoustic arrangement of "Sheri Had a Little Lamb" (or whatever) and bang my discerning ear drums against a wall. To me, music should be serious business. And by business, I mean something more tolerable than your average American Idol tryout. More artistic integrity, less Sanjaya.

Born Into Luxury

Born Into Luxury

The selection of the perfect moses basket has become one of those over-the-top rituals of the new mother-to-be. I can’t tell you how many friends I saw absolutely frenetic over finding exactly the right first sleepy place for their new little guy or gal.