Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Knit One, Laugh Two

Knit One, Laugh Two

Back when I was decorating the nursery, I was not exactly in love with the cookie-cutter mobiles in all of the baby chain stores. Come to think of it, if they had actually been cookie cutters I’d have liked them way more than the cheaply assembled satin ballerinas or polyester barnyard animals hanging from plastic hangers.

The Working Mom’s Survival Guide

The Working Mom’s Survival Guide

Surfing around in search of online resources for working moms, the good ones seem to be far and few between. Most look a lot like...well, work. Blech.Mom and GAP bigwig Amy Keroes knew better when she developed Mommy Track'd, the working mother's online guide to...

Make it a Double

Make it a Double

With all the great frank and funny mom books out there, it’s about time someone came up with an equally entertaining daddy alternative. So we were tickled when we found out that Robert Wilder, well-known writer, columnist, and dad of two, had done just that.

De-Bump the Bump

De-Bump the Bump

As all moms know, pregnancy is the source of far too many beauty woes. Then just when you’re starting to feel that second trimester glow you’ve been promised–out pops the bellybutton.

It Isn’t Just For Breakfast Anymore

It Isn’t Just For Breakfast Anymore

Summer is citrus season, as evidenced by the aisles of the local grocery store and the newest two-piece set from online boutique Sophia Carolina. Mom-slash-designer Sophia has paired this flouncy, juicy, good-enough-to-drink skirt with a simple white tank that's...

It’s a Crafter’s World. We Just Live in It.

It’s a Crafter’s World. We Just Live in It.

If you haven't figured it out yet, we here at Cool Mom Picks love the crafty types. We've also learned that you can't call yourself crafty without having Kiddley bookmarked in your browser. Kiddley is the brand new website from Claire Robertson (the mastermind behind...

Beyond Goodnight Moon

Beyond Goodnight Moon

If you’ve ever stood slack-jawed in the children’s section of Borders, entirely overwhelmed by the selection, you’re not alone. Board book or hardcover? Pat the Bunny or Hop on Pop? It’s maddening. But a book on books–that’s the last book I would have thought I needed to insure my child’s taste for the written word.
Tattoo You

Tattoo You

While the CMP staff has a bit of an irreverent streak, we do draw the line at tattooing your children. Unless the tattoo reads MOM in which No no no. No tattooing babies. But we can support the Mom Tattoo tee from Small Roar. This is a real mom and pop...

Hats On!

Hats On!

I love hats. Looooove. My poor kid has a different hat for every hour of the day, every occasion, and every nap-time. So when I happened uponBabyfairiesand their oh-so-adorable-headgear, I died. I seriously fell to the floor and convulsed from the cuteness. (Okay not really, but close enough).

Real Simple Goes Family

Real Simple Goes Family

We’re not sure if there’s a better mani-pedi read than Real Simple. Admit it, you’re dying to rip out half the pages when the pedicurist turns her head, stuff them in your bag and sneak them home with you. Or maybe you actually have?

I Can Practically Smell the Pineapples

I Can Practically Smell the Pineapples

This fun, handmade hula pattern skirt from mom-owned One Little Monkey is the perfect garment to herald the arrival of summer, if only because it's 180 degrees from any sort of uptight school uniform or requisite navy gym shorts. If for some crazy reason your daughter...

No More Mixed Decks

No More Mixed Decks

If you haven’t noticed, poker is taking over the world. And if you’ve got a spousal unit like my husband, you’ve seen enough Texas Hold ‘Em on TV that you could probably beat him at his own game.

Just in Case They Don’t Believe You

Just in Case They Don’t Believe You

If your child is anything like mine then chances areyouwere the one telling your friends and family her first words. I mean, now she'll say "hi" and "no" in public, but when we tried to get her to express her first words to anyone but us, we were...