Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

The Muse of Children’s Fashion

The Muse of Children’s Fashion

Some people you just want to hate. For example, a former model-turned-mom who still looks like a model. But when you get to know her a bit and find out she’s also nice and cool and smart and has a great kid, AND designs unbelievably awesome childrens clothes, well dammit, you just can’t be a hatah.

Pour Some Sugar on Me

Pour Some Sugar on Me

While we love the monogrammed and personalized everything for kids these days, we’re always on the prowl for something that says "my mom thinks out of the box." We may have stumbled upon just that over at Sugar Roux.

Who Said Leather Was Out?

Who Said Leather Was Out?

Bibs are a funny thing. You swear you never want to use them, but after a few soaking wet shirts (thanks to the drool machine known as your child), you get over it. And fast. I'm pretty sure I washed way more bibs than I thought ever existed. And then I threw half of...

Pick Your Man a PacMan

Pick Your Man a PacMan

Ever struggle over what to get your husband for Father’s Day because he just won’t tell you? Fear not, adventurers: If your baby’s daddy was a child of the 80’s, he’ll love receiving a video game from his misspent youth, one at which he can actually beat the kids of today.

I May Look Like a Geek, But a Geek Who Can Find His Keys

I May Look Like a Geek, But a Geek Who Can Find His Keys

For the style-conscious SAHD, your options are pretty slim if you want to avoid lugging your wife’s floral diaper tote around town. I couldn’t ever get stuff in and out of my messenger diaper bag, and last summer’s big vacation proved the rule that whatever you’re trying to find in your backpack—diaper, bib, camera, guidebook—will invariably be at the very bottom.

Summer Essentials for the Dad in Your Life

Summer Essentials for the Dad in Your Life

Since summer has quickly reared its hot and humid head here in the Northeast, I thought I’d start preparing for the season. Like most men, this entails digging out those flip flops from storage, loading up on some steaks, firing up the BBQ grill and enjoying some cool alcoholic beverages with friends.

Build Your Own Blocks

Build Your Own Blocks

We come across quite a few personalized products at CMP. Apparently if you put someone’s kid’s name on something no matter how useless or inane (monogrammed bottle sterilizer, anyone?) it’s a surefire hit.

Do You Remember Rock ‘n’ Roll?

Do You Remember Rock ‘n’ Roll?

Remember when you were both younger and would go see bands play at the local club? If you’re like me, your kids came along and put an end to that. Is it really worth forking over seventy bucks for a sitter to see your nephew’s garage band fumble its way though Sweet Home Alabama?

One Less Thing for Dads to Freak Out About

One Less Thing for Dads to Freak Out About

You know what about impending fatherhood freaks me out more than anything else? That my nice little sleek-and-minimal- with-a-side-of-organic-cotton aesthetic will be buried under the inevitable onslaught of pastel plaid ruffles and battery-powered, light-flashing, muzak-emitting "baby crack".

I Stand Here Ironing (And Looking Fabulous)

I Stand Here Ironing (And Looking Fabulous)

Ironing, cooking, cleaning, scrubbing: Hardly my description of a day well-spent. But we may have discovered one way to overcome your reluctance to plow through your chore list on a sunny Sunday. BlipShop, the online boutique of British mum and designer Emma Carey,...

Say it With Your Necklace

Say it With Your Necklace

I like to think that the jewelry I wear says a lot about who I am – stylish, funky, and a little bit crazy. However, there’s something to be said about jewelry that sends a message.Literally .

Babysitter on Board

Babysitter on Board

It's hard for me to keep track of my multiple kids with their bursting-at-the-seams schedules, food allergies, bedtimes, assorted likes, dislikes and various pertinent telephone numbers--let aone for the sitter or the grandparents. From now on, I'm going to sync my...

No More Fighting Over Old Tees

No More Fighting Over Old Tees

I found the perfect solution fighting over the old way-too-small-yet- still-kind-of-cute-and-comfy Air Force Academy shirt that my husband refuses to get rid of. Instead of allowing it collect dust in the huge box labeled "Old tees that I'm forced to save because...