Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

LA Humor: Beyond Plastic Surgery Jokes

LA Humor: Beyond Plastic Surgery Jokes

If you have spent any time on the West Side of LA, you will get a chuckle out of the new kids clothing line Rabbit Kinney. (For the rest of you, there's a hot drag near Venice Beach called Abbot Kinney Boulevard named for the area's founder. See? Now we're all in this...

Hooded animal towels, and they aren’t even scary!

Hooded animal towels, and they aren’t even scary!

I decided early on in my parenting career to eschew hooded towels with larger-than-life animal heads on top, simply because all the ones I saw scared me. If some humongo, limp-necked terry cloth duck head with threads hanging off the misshapen mouth was freaking me...

For Families Really Really REALLY Into Tattoos

For Families Really Really REALLY Into Tattoos

My daughter has reached that very important milestone in a child's life: Adoration of temporary tattoos. And spare me the anti-hipster parent eyeroll please--I remember liking them in Cracker Jack boxes back in the day myself. But they've definitely hit a new level in...

Your Child 2003-2008: An Artistic Retrospective

Your Child 2003-2008: An Artistic Retrospective

I seriously underestimated the constant flow of paper coming into our house once my daughter started kindergarten--teacher notes, newsletters, progress reports, to say nothing of her artwork. I know I have to pick and choose among the art projects to display, but how...

Cool Mom Picks and The View From the Bay

Hey, Bay Area CMP readers - got anything to do at 3PM PST today? Well stick the kids in front of the computer with a DVD so you can tune in to watch co-editors Kristen and Liz live today on ABC's The View From the Bay or watch it streaming online if you're in any...

Handmade Dolls for Your Little Doll

Handmade Dolls for Your Little Doll

Until I got involved with CMP, I confess that I had no idea there were so many wonderful handmade dolls out there. I assumed that you either had a crafty grandma in the family, or your children were pretty much stuck with whatever was on the toy store shelves.Well...

Gifted At Birth: You. And Yeah, Maybe the Kid.

Gifted At Birth: You. And Yeah, Maybe the Kid.

I only wish Gifted at Birth had been around when my daughter was born. A service that delivers newborn essentials then has a premiere NYC doula on call either in person (in the city) or on the phone (everywhere else) to tell you how to use it all? H to the...

Shrinkage. The Good Kind.

Shrinkage. The Good Kind.

I realize that pregnancy does give you some type of justification for those wiggly bits that would ordinarily drive you nuts. But the third time around, I have no patience for the extra juicy thighs or my favorite, the five part wave --  hand, hand,...

Dear Husband, Get In My Head.

Dear Husband, Get In My Head.

One would think that because I run a shopping website, my husband would have no trouble finding me gifts. Every year I tell him to just click on anything in our Baubles and Bags category and he'll be the world's greatest husband. But every year, he ignores me and...

Earth Day Pick: Old Tees Made New

Earth Day Pick: Old Tees Made New

After discovering Courtney Chu's original recycled t-shirt dresses, I am pleasantly reminded that eco-friendly kids wear doesn't necessarily mean expensive organic onesies. Hooray for that! Her sweet, definitively cool kids dresses combine sometimes old and sometimes...

The Rorshack Mobile

The Rorshack Mobile

I have a soft spot for felt crafts, pun only intended a little. So of course when I discovered UK etsy shop Lupin from brilliant felt crafter Laura Howard, of course I got click happy. The brooches are darling of course, but I really swooned over this abstract felt...

The Perfect Spring Skirt

The Perfect Spring Skirt

I was surprised to realize, after having written up Louise Hedley and her wonderful little girls' skirts last year, that she in fact was the designer behind one of my own favorite Spring skirts. Who knew? Not that I'd match my daughter at all - Louise's one-of-a-kind...

Breastfeeding Just Got More Beautiful

Breastfeeding Just Got More Beautiful

It's taken me three children in six years to reach this point, but I'm finally comfortable nursing in public - with a nursing cover. And in my search for the ideal one, I've found that most of them are the same. The JOIA Mommy Cover however blows the others out of the...

Tea For The Twos. And Threes.

Tea For The Twos. And Threes.

While I'm not a member of the matchy-outfit fan club, I'm definitely partial to mix and match clothes from Daily Tea, the everyday knitwear from CMP fave tea collection. Frankly with the amount of sleep I get these days, I hardly remember to put shirts on my girls,...

Art, Charity and Shoes. Three of Our Favorite Things.

Art, Charity and Shoes. Three of Our Favorite Things.

Raise your hand if you owned a white pair of Keds in Junior High and drew all over them and then your mom yelled at you but you didn't care because they were your Keds and you could do what you want with them, so there.  Seriously, I can't be the only one. Well...

I See Some Cute Socks In Your Baby’s Future

I See Some Cute Socks In Your Baby’s Future

In my mind, "lucky socks" means that I don't lose one every time I do the wash. But in the case of Fortune Tootsies, I think it means your baby will have extra luck when he wears them.Each pair is emblazoned with fortune cookie wisdom for those too little to...

Putting Stuffed Animals to Shame

Putting Stuffed Animals to Shame

If you are like me and think you don't need yet another stuffed animal, then you have not met Bla Bla Kids' newest addition to their cuddly family, The Boogaloos. Similar to all of Bla Bla Kids' amazing pieces, the 15 various Boogaloos are handcrafted by fairly-paid...

Paging Doctor Mom

Paging Doctor Mom

My kids have an uncanny sense of medical timing. Exactly two minutes after the pediatrician's office closes, one (or both) will develop a high fever, raging earache, or troublesome cough. Two minutes after that I'll be consulting my friend Mr. Google to determine if...