Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Forget Mr. Right, I found Mr. Klean

Forget Mr. Right, I found Mr. Klean

You can’t swing a loofa without hitting a specialty beauty product shop. With so many options, I thought I’d keep mine open, play the field. No settling down with one brand for me. Then I hooked me up with my destined spa product soul mate and things all changed.

Kinda Makes Up For The Sore Nipples

Kinda Makes Up For The Sore Nipples

‘m trying not to be offended by the fact that my 5-month-old rejects my boobs to instead watch his sister run around the playground. But while I’d love to refocus his attentions, the thought of a nursing necklace makes me cringe. I get the concept, but it’s tough to find one that I’d actually wear in public.

Heal the World Through Dolls

Heal the World Through Dolls

I remember, with some regret, the first doll my daughter was given. It was made from a heavy plastic and had a gigantic wobbly head — certainly not something I’d like to cuddle up with in bed.

Shades of Brilliance

Shades of Brilliance

I see the racks of kid’s sunglasses at the superstores and while the hot pink princess shades might seem terribly cute to my daughter, they do nothing to protect her from the sun–or make me keen on buying them.

How Much Do You Hate Your Inlaws?

How Much Do You Hate Your Inlaws?

If the last thing you imagine doing after delivering your baby is having to call six million family members and answer the same questions over and over again (8 pounds, 2 ounces…yes of course it hurt…I don’t know who he looks like, he’s two hours old!) you’re in luck.

No Hidden Agendas

No Hidden Agendas

Ever since I was introduced to momAgenda, I’ve scoffed at those other datebooks. Try fitting pediatrician appointments, playdates, and field trips for two or more kids into those little spaces and you might as well just write it all on the back of your hand.

Che What?

Che What?

You know a trend has peaked when the parodies start making the rounds. And the best one we’ve seen yet: This new take on the already ooooold Che Guevara tee at that says I have no idea who this is.

Just the Boost You Need

Just the Boost You Need

When my daughter moved from high chair to booster seat I was incredibly disappointed at the selection. We went from ultra modernto cheap and unchic with a flash of the credit card.

Look Ma, No Tractors

Look Ma, No Tractors

I’ve got girls around the house. So admittedly I’m not as impacted by the shortage of cool boys’ duds out there as my friends who continually beg me to track down "clothes with no tractors." Who knew there was such a backlash against heavy machinery?

Equal Opportunity Guitar Tee

Equal Opportunity Guitar Tee

If the kids’ tee motifs are any indication, rock n roll dreams are strictly for boys. They get shirts featuring drums, guitars, the upright bass–while girls are stuck with sparkly pink groupie shirts that say stuff like rock n roll princess.

Playing House. And Senate.

Playing House. And Senate.

Don’t be surprised if your little one starts asking why all the commercials on TV now have have scary, angry voices saying mean things about other people. It’s just the start of election season.

Send The Kids Packing

Send The Kids Packing

I spent longer than I’d like to admit searching for a good overnight bag to send with the kid (now kids) to Grandma’s this summer. During that time I made use of old messenger bags, duffels that still smelled like daddy’s gym clothes and even CVS bags. Embarrassing, I know.



I’ve heard it said that driving a minivan may not be the coolest thing ever. Have you heard that? Or am I just making that up?

Feeling Tip-sy?

Feeling Tip-sy?

It always seems like I’m the last one to know the tricks of the trade–you know, like toothpaste gets crayon off the wall or Preparation H has more than just that one use.