Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Go Ahead and Light One Up

Go Ahead and Light One Up

I remember those simple dayswhen I was the sole decision-maker of nursery decor. But then my daughter turned two and suddenly everything had to have that darn pudgy yellow bear on it.

One Word: Plastics

One Word: Plastics

Yes, I am a hypocrite. I look at all of the plastic baby gear spewed across the floors of my home and I can’t stand it. Everything’s just so bright and loud and, well, plastic-y. But then, when it comes to plastic jewelry, I’m like, "ooh, so bright! So loud! So plastic-y!"

Who’s the Boss?

Who’s the Boss?

We all know who’s really in charge. Here’s a hint: it’s not the adult with the accusatory finger and the timeout chair. It’s the kid with the pouty lip, sweet smile, and incredibly cute face that can make us crumble in an instant.

Girl Loves Robot

Girl Loves Robot

I’ve had a thing for robots ever since Lost in Space. It continued with Rosie from the Jetsons, and then of course, R2D2–who, between he and C3PO, was clearly "the cute one."

Less is More

Less is More

I was one of those naive moms-to-be who swore up and down that my tasteful adult abode would never become plastic toy central. "The baby stuff will stay in the baby’s room," I insisted. Ha.

Sports Obsessed From Head to Toe

Sports Obsessed From Head to Toe

I would like to call myself a football widow. No–I would love it. Because it would an improvement over what I am now, which is a football/golf/ baseball/world soccer widow.

Isn’t a Jack Jill’s Brother?

Isn’t a Jack Jill’s Brother?

I am clueless about cars. Give me a reliable car with four wheels and a good mechanic and I’m set. However, it has crossed my mindthat I’m not so sure what I would do if I had engine trouble on the road, or God help me, had to buy a car without the assistance of my husband (aka The Haggler).

Looking for Mr. David

Looking for Mr. David

When you hear of a children’s artist by the name of Mr. David, you probably have a certain image that comes to mind. Chances are, the image is not that of a twenty-something Bay-area rocker and former skate punk who was heavily influenced by his hippie parents and their 60s’s music collection.

Go Ahead and Cuff Them

Go Ahead and Cuff Them

I stillrememberthatsweet 18K gold ID bracelet I was given as little girl. I wore that thing every single day, turning my mom into a nervous hovering wreck for fear I’d lose it.For my own daughter, I want something similar, only a little more 2006 anda little less anxiety provoking.

Getting Out of Dodge

Getting Out of Dodge

Thanks to the lovely interweb, it’s easier than ever to inform the world about a change of address. But if you’re like me, you’d rather do the classy thing and kick it old school with the snail mail.

Always in Season

Always in Season

Remember the days when a ponytail was the last resort? Those were the days. Now pulling my hair back has become my style of choice. At least, that’s what I try to tell myself.

Leave the Diving to Greg Louganis

Leave the Diving to Greg Louganis

Moms of binky users know this scenario well: You give her the pacifier. She sticks it in her mouth, then spikes it on the floor. You dive to pick it up, wipe it off on the nearest sleeve, and pop it back in her mouth, all within the 5-second grace period you have before the wailing begins.

Run Mommy, Run

Run Mommy, Run

I learned that if there are two things that all new moms have in common, it’s the desire to meet other new moms, and the desire to fit back into the pre-pregnancy jeans. Like, yesterday.

It Does a Booty Good

It Does a Booty Good

I gotta say, I’m not a big fan of those pants which…well, I won’t say the brand name, but it’s the one that labels your posterior as being juicy. I don’t really need to draw more attention to my hindquarters, thankyoumovingon.

Oh Rats!

Oh Rats!

I’m not the most experienced parent in the world, but from what I understand, I have only a few months left until my daughter asks that inevitable question: Can I get a pet? Knowing her, it won’t be any old pet; it will be a turtle or a snake or, help me, a rat.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog

In my daughter’s language, everything with four legs is a dog. Cat? Dog. Lion? Dog. Cow? Dog. The only animal that isn’t a dog is our dog who is, simply, Deh.

Radio Moosehead

Radio Moosehead

For the past two years, this household’s been on a steady musical diet of Sesame Street and The Wiggles. Don’t get me wrong–I love me some Rubber Duckie–but I’ve been meaning to try something a little more exotic.

Block Party

Block Party

The pressure to outdo, outspend, outimpress when it comes to your child’s birthday party is extraordinary. We’re not necessarily advocates of extravagance, but we understand that sometimes you just can’t resist going all out where the kiddo is concerned. In which case, have we got an idea for your next bash.

Flowers Even I Can’t Kill

Flowers Even I Can’t Kill

I do not have what you’d call a green thumb. I’ve killed cacti, for God’s sake. And yet the cruel irony is that I love surrounding myself with flowers, especially as the weather gets crisper and the blooms aren’t quite so readily available.

Ant Buy Me Love

Ant Buy Me Love

Oh, the ant. The sweet, sweet ant. Yes, I love the little guys and in fact one of my fondest childhood memories includes my trusty ant farm. The memory could only be made fonder had the ant farm been instead the super-looking Antquarium.