The latest from Spawned: Our award-winning parenting podcast

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Let’s Go Fly a Kite

Let’s Go Fly a Kite

I hadn’t flown a kite since I was a littlekid at the Jersey shore, but on a beautiful windy day at the beach last year, my daughter and I spent hours watching our little kite fly — until it broke and we had to retire it way too soon.

Reinventing the Highchair

Reinventing the Highchair

I’m pretty low-maintenance in the "carrying baby gear around" category. Okay, I’m pathetic. We rarely remember to bring bibs when we go out to dinner, let alone a portable high chair But as I’ve learned, it does make feeding her a little tricky in a hotel room or at the home of a friend with no young kids.

Have Your Art and Eat Off it Too

Have Your Art and Eat Off it Too

I’m a firm believer that presentation is everything, particularly when it comes to feeding toddlers. So why not take that concept a step further and serve your cool shaped sandwiches and alphabet frieson some equally entertaining plates?

Shiny Pretty Things

Shiny Pretty Things

I am what you might call a classic mom when it comes to accessorizing. It’s easier to wear the same pair of diamond studs every day than to navigate the continuum between tasteful, trendy, and tacky. Boring? Guilty as charged.

Pour Some Sugar on Me

Pour Some Sugar on Me

I’m not crazy about saccharine-sweet girls’ clothes. Too much pink and lace and I start to get a toothache. But real sugar? Bring it on, baby.

You Are What You Carry

You Are What You Carry

There’s something frustrating about spending a month searching for the perfect handbag, only to proudly wear it out of the house the first time…and run into four other people proudly wearing it out of the house. I really think there should be a rule against that.

Kids Music, 90210

Kids Music, 90210

If Patrick Dempsey likes a particular crib or Courteney Cox is enamored with her new sling, I’m more than delighted for them. Really. But a celeb endorsement just doesn’t weigh too heavily in my opinion of a product. However when I hear that there’s a kids’ album out by the preschool music teacher for all of Beverly Hills–okay, I’ve got to admit I stop and take note.

Coats to the Back of the Closet

Coats to the Back of the Closet

Our lawn is covered in snow – again – but the calendar doesn’t lie: Spring really is right around the corner. While I’m looking forward to wagon rides to the park, I’m not excited about coaxing the girls into their coats, which I will then have to carry as the day goes on. Layering is the key here.

Buying the Farm

Buying the Farm

I generally laugh when I can hear strollers coming from two blocks away. Between the clip-on plush toys with rattles, jingly balls, and squeaky stuffed animals all tethered to the stroller bar–it’s madness!

No One Has To Know There are Diapers in There

No One Has To Know There are Diapers in There

There are so many diaper bags out there, it can make your head spin. But what’s hard to find is one that really suits the artsy mom who doesn’t really see herself carrying a diaper bag in the first place (let alone a baby). Still, those waterproof interiors are pretty convenient…

Three Little Birds

Three Little Birds

From everything I’ve been reading, birds are the new black. Or something like that. We’re seeing them taking flight on jewelry, on artwork, on stationery, and now in perhaps one of the most welcome places, in nurseries.

God Save the Feet

God Save the Feet

For a woman like me with an utter and undeniable shoe fetish, it absolutely blows my mind that my daughter owned a single pair of shoes until she was actually walking. Who was this practical mom? And will she please stay away until after baby #2 comes along in a couple of months?

The Dingo Ate My Baby!

The Dingo Ate My Baby!

Sometimes we just find a kids tee that makes us laugh so hard, we’d be remiss if we didn’t share it with the world – even if our first instinct is to keep it for ourselves.

Let’s Dish

Let’s Dish

Anything that gets me a little more excited to spend time in the kitchen is a good thing indeed. And by time in the kitchen, I don’t mean standing at the fridge in the middle of the night, looking for the last ice cream bar that someone ate without asking my permission.

Art You Can Climb All Over

Art You Can Climb All Over

A rocking horse is one of the essential staples of the traditional American nursery. But what if you don’t have the traditional American nursery? If you’ve taken the time to pick out the perfect Oeuf dresser and Svan table and chairs, those little ponies with the synthetic manes just may not cut it in the junior bedroom.

Encourage Her Shoe Fetish

Encourage Her Shoe Fetish

I’m a minimalist when it comes to dressing babies: No jewelry, no fancy hats, and no booties. My girls didn’t wear shoes until they could walk, and I still grin at the professional portraits we have of them with bare toes peeking out from underneath their dresses.

You Oughta Be in Pictures

You Oughta Be in Pictures

My toddler’s going through that self-awareness phase right now. She loves to preen in front of the bathroom mirror and make silly faces at her reflection windows. Not surprisingly, Rosie’s new MeMovies are the greatest thing to hit our household since the swaddling blanket.

Girl Power

Girl Power

Considering how far the career possibilities for women have come even since we were kids, it blows my mind that it’s still hard to find art depicting girls much beyond princesses, ballerinas, and the ocassional generic animal lover. (Veterinarian? Or just crazy cat lady in the making?)

My Daughter the Lighting Designer

My Daughter the Lighting Designer

It seems like overnight, our refrigerator became a full-on child’s art gallery. And while I love checking out my daughter’s masterpieces every time I go for a snack, that old fridge door just doesn’t do her creations any justice.