The latest from Spawned: Our award-winning parenting podcast

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Your Tree Has Competition

Your Tree Has Competition

Every year, just before Christmas the stocking debate ensues at my parents’ house: "Whose is the reindeers?" "No wait, mine is the snowflakes." "Hey, his holds more than mine!"

The One Thing You Won’t Want to Unwrap This Holiday

The One Thing You Won’t Want to Unwrap This Holiday

If you’re of the Christmas-celebrating persuasion, surely you’ve already spent months ensuring your little angel baby will be perfectly coiffed this season, with a different fabulous outfit for every party, every family dinner, every opportunity to be fawned over in public. But have you considered the diaper?

Spare Your Friends the Lame Cards This Year

Spare Your Friends the Lame Cards This Year

When I go to pick out cards for the holidays, I just keep looking and looking at all those stacks of foil boxes, hoping something will jump out at me screaming, "Pick me! I am not sappy or cutesy, I promise!" Rarely does this happen however, and some years, I admit I find myself settling.

Diaper Bag Incognito

Diaper Bag Incognito

I was one of those first-time moms who refused to register for a diaper bag. Call me practical, but I just figured I could track down a cool big totebag and I’d be fine. But then, as I discovered, there were the bibs, toys, bottles, binkies…and 4,000 other things I couldn’t leave home without. And I really could have used an actual diaper bag.



It’s one thing when you give in and buy your kid an iPod. It’s another when your realize that she is still at the age where everything of value ends up trashed in a matter of weeks.

Crawfish Roasting on an Open Fire

Crawfish Roasting on an Open Fire

I know there are plenty of Christmas CDs out there these days, but frankly I’m afraid to play half of them for my daughter, for fear that I’ll be stuck listening to them every single day for the rest of the year.

Santa Claws

Santa Claws

Who says that stockings have to be hand crocheted by grandmas with a penchant for pom-poms and unnatural color combinations? Apparently not the folks at Crafty Robot, who have come up with the best alterna-stockings I’ve ever seen.

Helping Rwanda, One Fashion Pick at a Time

Helping Rwanda, One Fashion Pick at a Time

Every year the cold sneaks up on me. Sure it’s been December for days now, but that doesn’t mean I’m not entirely in denial that it’s time to take the gloves out of the back of the closet and start looking for a great new scarf for the season.

Fact: Great Bags Make Women Happy.

Fact: Great Bags Make Women Happy.

While we at CMP try to keep our picks in the "don’t have to hock my TV on ebay to afford it" range, all bets are off for the next few weeks. Why? Because someone else–hopefully–is doing the buying for you.

Baby’s First Mink

Baby’s First Mink

New baby gifts are relatively easy to shop for – unless you’re talking about baby number two. Or three. Or–eek–six. If you’re looking for something for the mom who has it all, you’ve got to stop thinking about must-haves, and start thinking about don’t-needs-but-really-really-wants.

Bagging Bears and Bunnies

Bagging Bears and Bunnies

If your kids are anything like mine, they have an obscene amount of stuffed animals and while I can’t prove it, I’m almost positive that they multiply just like real rabbits because the pile never stops growing.

Santa Baby

Santa Baby

If my daughter had her way, she’d wear her Christmas outfit every single day. However, the fancy silk number just doesn’t fare well with her choice of daily activities. Like, say, spilling things on herself.

Zen and the Art of Baby Dressing

Zen and the Art of Baby Dressing

When I brought my firstborn home from the hospital, I was hit with the unreasonable urge to discard anything rough that might come in contact with her fragile infant skin. It seemed criminal to let anything but the most butter-soft fabrics touch those downy limbs. My husband had to draw the line when I threatened to tear up the wool carpet in the living room.

Boo Boo Kiddie

Boo Boo Kiddie

I’ve always thought there’s just something slightly undignified about walking around with a sack of frozen peas on your postpartum boobs when they’re engorged. And while your kids might not mind frozen foods on their owies, I happen to think everyone would feel a lot better using Baby Blue Cat Designs’ absolutely gorgeous Boo Boo Bags instead.

Stop: Hammer Time

Stop: Hammer Time

When I was in middle school, I should have failed Home Economics. I burned my banana bread in cooking class, and the blouse for my final sewing project might have fit had my head been the same size as my arms. But woodshop–now that, I aced. And Aunt Ginny loved her new birdhouse.